British American Tobacco South Africa - The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

The World Health Organization (WHO)  Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)    is a global treaty on tobacco control. It came into force in 2005 and contains provisions aimed at, among other things, reducing tobacco consumption and toxicity. The treaty’s articles contain a number of binding obligations relating to the production, distribution, sale, promotion and taxation of tobacco products, as well as non-binding standards and recommendations.

To date, the FCTC has been ratified by 181 countries, known as ‘parties’. These parties make up the Conference of the Parties (COP), which serves as the governing body of the FCTC. Sessions of the COP take place every two years and typically result in decisions and recommendations on how countries can implement treaty provisions.

We support the regulation of tobacco and nicotine products and aims to work with governments and policymakers to arrive at regulatory solutions that are based on robust evidence and consultation, that respect legal rights and deliver on intended outcomes.

In addition, our Principles for Engagement provide clear guidance for how we share and communicate our positions with regulators, politicians and other third parties.

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