British American Tobacco South Africa - BeSupplier


Our program

Seeking to maintain a centuries-old tradition of innovation, at BAT South Africa  we developed the “BeSupplier” (Be Supplier) program, with the aim of opening our doors to disruptive solutions, projects and new partnership opportunities that constantly challenge the structure of our operation.

What are we looking for?

Established companies and startups that develop innovative solutions and act as a catalyst for a decade of action.

We invite you to collaborate with us on this journey and find innovative ways to achieve this ambition together. If you would like to share ideas and collaborate with us, we’d like to hear from you!

How to participate in Be Supplier?

It is very simple! Simply register by completing the form available here. Once submitted, we will evaluate the synergy between your proposal and our business needs.

Selected companies will be invited to participate in the program formally, having the opportunity to present their proposals to the BAT team in virtual forums. Additionally, all companies registered with the program, will be added to our internal database for consideration in future opportunities.

What are you waiting for? Join for an opportunity to make a difference!